

Posts are for general education purposes only. They should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional assistance.


Understanding & Managing Anger

Anger can overtake you, driving you to be recklessly destructive. Or you can use the energy from your anger to proactively and assertively address a problem. The choice is up to you.

To learn more about this, check out my article: 5 Tips for Managing Your Anger

Overcoming Chronic Boredom

If you feel chronically bored, the path out of that stagnant place lies within. Learning to open up to your inner experience can help re-engage you in life again.

To learn more about this, check out my article: Bored? Break Free Now


If you have suffered from the actions of others, you are faced with coping with your feelings as you look for a way forward. The decision of whether to forgive is an important one in that process.

To learn more about this, check out my article Why You Should Forgive… Or Not.

Insecure in Love: Creating Healthy Relationships

Insecure in Love: Creating Healthy Relationships

Your ability to nurture healthy relationships is based on how you relate to yourself and to others. If you would like to nurture happier relationships — especially romantic ones, Insecure in Love offers you the tools and guidance to do this.

To learn more about this, check out my book,
Insecure in Love: How Anxious Attachment

Insecure in Love: Anxious Attachment

Insecure in Love: Anxious Attachment

People who feel anxious in their relationships also frequently have negative feelings about themselves. If you relate to this, Insecure in Love can help you to learn how to feel more positively about yourself and your relationships.

To learn more about this, check out my book,
Insecure in Love: How Anxious Attachment

Healing Pain Within

Healing Pain Within

If you carry pain from difficult and even traumatic experiences, there are many ways in which it can affect you.

To learn more about this, check out my article,
Healing Pain Within

Free Yourself from Depression

Free Yourself from Depression

Depression can show itself in many ways, and it is expressed differently in different people. While depressed people generally don’t enjoy doing much, they can feel sad or be emotionally numb.

To learn more about this, check out my article,
Free Yourself from Depression

Building Resilience

Building Resilience

When, instead of moving down the sidewalk with some bounce in your step, you are stuck on the ground with lead in your ass, it’s time to lighten your emotional load.

To learn more about this, check out my article,
Feeling Knocked Down? How to Get Back Up

Insecure in Love

Insecure in Love

Do you often find yourself feeling jealous or insecure? Are you constantly on the alert or overly possessive when it come to your significant other? Do you secretly fear that you are unworthy of love?

To learn more about this, check out my book,
Insecure in Love

5 Steps to Rediscovering You

5 Steps to Rediscovering You

If you feel lost and lack a sense of fulfillment, chances are that you are essentially feeling like a victim of the forces in your life. You can change this by getting to know yourself better.

To learn more about this, check out my article,
5 Steps to Rediscovering You

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